
Bara en "dikt", eller en låttext?

Jag har knåpat ihop en liten text.
Gillar att pilla ihop textrader som dels rimmar men som även kan innehålla humor, eller som nedan, ett mer vettigt och allvarligt budskap.
Inget jag brukar lägga ut här, men när jag satt med denna så tänkte jag att det kanske går att göra nåt vettigt med det.
Är det någon som känner sig (eller känner någon annan), som är manad att sätta musik och en sångröst till denna (eller omgjord variant), så skulle det kunna vara ett mycket bra sätt att få ut information.
Helt enkelt eftersom i stort sett alla lyssnar på musik...

Nåväl, vilket som, här är iaf mitt senaste alster..:)..:

Your mind is at risk, trespassed to welcome insanity
u must say no to those who try to force you into vanity.
There are many of us who see the truth behind the public lies
and we never trust the controlled mainstreammediaeyes...

Stand up for your self and your family, scream "it's enough!",
that will free your soul and make your mind hard and tough.
Anyone who claims that all our freedom is alive and well
must live there own lifes in a distanced selfish shell
(or are in fact a wannabee to the elite of the earthly hell....)

Fight! Get your act together and claim back your life!
Scream! Let them hear that we are all alive and kicking!
Be Brave! Don´t get scared by their sharpened knife!
Be Aware! Identify them who practice elite asslicking!

Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
The truth and sanity are held in jail
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Go behind the massmedia tale
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Push a friend away from awakening sleep
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Because thats what they want, a peoplesheep..

It's good to be a seeker of the holy grail of truth
it's never to late to start seeking, old or youth...
Make the world a better place for the future of mankind
and please help them who in real life are blind

A VP are lying to all of us saying "We all must blame the carbon!"
then he go to rest in a penthouse slurping expensive bourbon.
Illegal wars murder millions and make countries all numb
wars that make billions of bloody dollars for the elite scum

Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
The truth and sanity are held in jail
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Go behind the massmedia tale
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Push a friend away from awakening sleep
Fight! Scream! Be Brave! Be Aware!
Because thats what they want, a peoplesheep..

Bankers are robbing us with money from air
and they find the truth of banking their most scare..
Dont trust any leader of the global pack
because for them you are only slaves in a stack.

You must know, there is a ongoing mindfight
to keep you in the terrordarkness of the night.
The fear they wish to each day bring into your head
will only make you more lika a living dead.

Fight! Get your act together and claim back your life!
Scream! Let them hear that we are all alive and kicking!
Be Brave! Don´t get fooled by their sharpened knife!
Be Aware! Identify them who practice elite asslicking!

Har väl egentligen ingen aning om det ens akulle passa som en text att sjunga.
Min egen förmåga att sjunga är, snällt sagt, ett ljud som ens min mor kan låtsas gilla..:):)

Alla åsikter är välkomna...

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hej du gamle anonym... Tack för tipset, och för att du håller dig till ämnet i hela kommentaren. Fortsätt med det, så släpper jag igenom kommentarerna även från dig..:)

  2. skicka till killarna i Muse...
    dom brukar ju kunna komponera bra musik till slagkraftiga texter!!

    bra jobbat ändå!



  3. Tackar global, kanske inte en dum idé..:)
    Visst gör de grymt bra musik, Uprising t.ex....
